Have you received the ongoing Your iCloud Storage Full ’50GB Free’ Scam Email which claims to be offering recipients an additional 50GB of storage for free. Don’t believe it. It is a Scam.

Many people has received this Your iCloud Storage Full ’50GB Free’ Scam Email. Actually, it is not from Apple Community.

What Is Your iCloud Storage Full ’50GB Free’ Scam Email All About?

It is about an Email that is being sent by scammers which claims to be from Apple. The scammers made it to look legitimate and saying your iCloud is full and you have been offered free 50GB. Don’t be deceived.

Don’t dare click on the link. It contains some malwares that could be harmful to your phone or laptop.

What To Do When You Receive iCloud Storage Full ’50GB Free’ Scam Email.

  • You should never click a link or call back the number from an unexpected delivery notice
  • Instead, contact Apple directly using a verified number or website.

Tips To Identify Scam Texts

  • Requests for personal and/or financial information.
  • Links to misspelled or slightly altered website addresses.
  • Spelling and grammatical errors or excessive use of capitalization and exclamation points.
  • Certificate errors or lack of online security protocols for sensitive activities.


Having seen what iCloud Storage Full ’50GB Free’ entails and how it works, It is best for you not to click on the link or call back their any number attached to the message if or when you receive such message. Instead, delete the message instantly and don’t forget to inform you loved ones to be aware.

Click here to see other phishing scams that I have reviewed,

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