Share this post on social... also known as is a scam crypto website built by scammer that lure investors by promising to help them master trading but at the end, they leave investors in regrets. The website has been reported by many users due to the dishonest and fraudulent actions of the owners of the website.

The website is just a fake and fraudulent platform used by this scammers to reap innocent people of their hard earned money. Please do not fall for their tricks.

This review will help you to know more about the website and the possible ways to get back your money if you have already been scammed.


More About Doublexbit is a fake crypto website claiming to give huge return of investments to investors. They lure investors by promising them free training and huge profits. However, the website does not fulfil any of its promise to investors, they they deny investors access to their money when it is time for investors to make withdrawals.

Why You Should Avoid ?

A lot of customers signed up on this website due to the attractive promises seen on the website but unfortunately, it ended sadly for these investors.

However, we have discovered that these scammers have gone ahead create new websites and platforms with different names claiming to trade BEP20, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, and other cryptocurrencies.

Currently, just like and some other fake crypto websites created by these scammers has been taken down due to complaints from investors.

Some of the recent websites created by this scammers include;,, and on that note, we advise the public to beware of new cryptocurrency websites claiming to offer huge returns as it does not always end well.

Further reasons why you should not invest in this platform are:

  • The website was created newly
  • There are many negative reviews against the website online.
  • the website is not under the regulation of any authority.
  • Their fees and commission are very high

Tips To Identify Fake Crypto Currency Platforms

  • They promise huge interest and giveaways.
  • You cannot withdraw your money or they want you to pay more to get your money back.
  • They use new domain names.
  • Negative reviews online about it.

Incase if you have been Scammed

The proper action to take is to go to the website, and file a dispute within 180 calendar days of your singing up.

Conclusion is a scam cryptocurrency platform that promises to give investors huge returns on their investments. However, the platform does not offer any interest to investors and does not allow investors to make withdrawals too. And that means your money is gone once you signup on the website and make payments.

On that note, we advise investors to avoid, and other scam websites such as Okcoin, maxibetex, cashjob and emergency fund.

You can also find other helpful reviews here.

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