Do you snore while sleeping? Have you been looking for an effective means to bring this embarrassing and uncomfortable situation to an end? Are you wondering if tranquil air anti-snoring device will bring the needed solution? If so read this concised review to understand more about this product.

About The Device

Tranquil air is a device put in the mouth while sleeping in order to prevent snoring, the makers of this device claim it uses advanced technology to prop the jaw forward, thereby opening the airway and preventing snoring. the device also allows vertical jaw movement, and it is adjustable too.

Features Of Tranquil Air Antisnore

Effective Against Snoring

Tranquil air anti-snoring device helps to open the airway by pushing the jaw forward and upward thus preventing snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

Improves Sleep And Breathing

By preventing snoring and sleep apnea, tranquil allows for a better breathing and night’s sleep.

Enhances Nasal Airflow

TranquilAir removes nasal blockages making nose breathing easy.


Apart from its adjustability, the boil-and-bite method allows one make a print of one’s teeth on the device and that helps it stay in place while you have your sleep.


TranquilAir is adjustable, making it easy for one with unique needs to be able to use the device without discomforts.

How It works

TranquilAir comes with two options to help you stop snoring( comfort size 1 and comfort size 2). Comfort Size 1, moves the lower jaw forward by 2 mm, while comfort Size 2 moves it forward by 6 mm.

By pushing the jaw forward, this device helps to open the airway, this does not only prevent snoring it also makes room for better breathing and a good night rest.

It is advisable to starts with comfort size 1 to see if that stops you from snoring and if it doesn’t the person can try comfort size 2.

How To Use Tranquil Air Anti-snoring Device

Boil a cup of water and put the tranquil air device in the cup of hot water and leave it to stay for 1 minute then, firmly bite down on the device to create your print.


Tranquil air antisnoring device claims to have a lot of features that stopes snoring and promote good sleep, there’s also claims that this device was produced by team of medical and dental professionals.

However these claims are not verifiable, the names of the medical professionals who designed this device were never mentioned. Secondly, there are lots of positive customer reviews seen on the tranquil air website but none was seen on other websites.

We do not hold reviews on a product’s own website with so much trust because most times they are not true. for example, all the reviews seen on the tranquil website are all positive reviews, does that mean this device is so perfect?

Again, there are claims on link that tranquilair is approved by FDA, this is another claim that we could not verify about this device. Therefore we advise customers to make some research before buying this device.

To see more of the of the products we have reviewed please click here.

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