Share this post on social... is a fake Bed Bath And Beyond website that claims to be selling different types of items like swing chair, water slide park etc. at a very cheap rate.

It is impersonating Bed Bath And Beyond Website since the website announced its closing store sale due to its bankruptcy.

Are you considering buying from the store? DON’T do that yet. Go Through This detailed Summersalemart reviews to know why it is flagged fraudulent and how to avoid being scammed by it or other similar websites.

Summersalemart image

Reasons Why Is Considered Unsafe as an online store lacks the basic features of a genuine online store. Instead, it portrays some characteristics that is common with most fraudulent stores. And they are-

No Business Address

There is no business address provided on this website. This simply means that the owner(s) of this store don’t want the identity of this store to be disclosed to the public. Hence, customers will be impeded if and when there is need for return of any item.

The Website Was Recently Registered.

According to Lookup.icann { a domain checker} website was just registered on July 2023 and will expire on July 2024. This indicates that the store has not stood the test of time and it could be easily disposed. And as such, getting into business with the store is very risky.

The Website Has No Strong Customer Support System

There are no means of communication between the store and the customers. It is very difficult for customers to lay complain to the store and get a prompt help or response in return.

The email address provided on the website as is not functional. Moreover, there is no phone number provided. Hence, customers will be stranded if there is need for them to reach out to the store. Sell Their Products At A Comparatively Low Prices.

One of the major ways to identify a fraudulent website is by looking at the prices with which they sell their goods or the percentage of discount they offer. Tessavo sells its goods at a very cheap prices that no genuine store can offer.

The cheap prices are just tricks to lure and defraud unsuspecting individuals.

These fraudulent companies most times do not send any goods to the customer and sometimes, they send inferior product that are way below the expectation of the customer.

The website Has No Official Social Media Page

Another Reason for which we consider is unsafe for you is their absence on social media platforms. A genuine online store does not shy away from social media platforms, rather they utilize them as an means of communication and business promotion.

On the other hand, websites owned by scammers do not operate social media, this is because aggrieved customers may storm their page to expose their fraudulent acts. Has Poor Security Features

Again, has poor security features that makes it prone to hacking. This is because, it is not protected with McAfee or Norton which are known to provide better security for websites.

Is A Legit Or Scam Online Store?

Generally speaking, we suspect that Tessavo is not a legit online store, this is because the website lacks some of the most important features of an online store. As stated above, the website has no physical address, was recently registered, sells goods at a very cheap prices, no customer support systems, no social media presence and its not properly secured.

Therefore, It is obvious that Summersalemart is a scam website that is ripping customers. Beware!

Other Things To Consider In Order To Avoid Being Scammed Are

The padlock in the address bar: Before clicking n a website, is is important to check the address, It indicates that any information sent between your browser and the website is sent securely This means that any information sent between your browser and the website is sent securely

Check customers reviews online: This helps you to know the true history of the website and how customers that have shopped from the store feels about it, If they were satisfied or not.

Verify the websiteā€™s trust seal: This is crucial because it indicators that the site uses HTTPS security and can also demonstrate the use of other security features like periodic malware scans

Are You Safe If You Use PayPal To Make Purchase From Summersalemart?

No, you are not really safe. These days, using PayPal does not guarantee a quick refund. Fraudulent stores like this one, exploit a major issue with PayPalā€™s system. What these scammers do is that when you purchase the item, a few days later they find a tracking number that has shipped to your area (completely unrelated to you or your item) and then they post this tracking number into your PayPal transaction. PayPal sees this as a complete transaction and almost impossible to dispute.

Beware of Summersalemart

What To Do If You Have Already Paid For An Item In

Contact your bank or financial institution to cancel the transaction.

Update your passwords

Beware of any fraudulent email that comes from Do not click on any licked attached to it.

If you used PayPal, contact them and ask them to open a dispute. They will reverse the payment and block the seller.

Don’t forget Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) at Reach out to them and report the website.


Summersalemart located at is not a genuine online store. We discovered some red flags on the website and these red flags maybe too dangerous to ignore. On that note, customers should carry out investigations before making any financial commitment with the store. It is just like livingversa, Belvie, Meteoraire, Curveista that we reviewed earlier.

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